


有关新型冠状病毒肺炎的最新信息,请冰球突破豪华版网页版 BSU 新型冠状病毒肺炎网站.

卫生服务 provides acute and primary care services to all currently registered students at 冰球突破豪华版网页版. Students do not have to enroll in the university-sponsored insurance plan to use 卫生服务.


  • 当日就诊
  • 小病或小伤的治疗
  • 妇女的健康
  • 流感疫苗
  • STI检查
  • 体格检查和运动体格
  • 常规和送出实验室检测
  • 结核病测试
  • 除疣
  • 避孕咨询
  • 健康教育
  • 推荐



Three students at a booth; one is ready to turn in a form

The 健康中心 has transitioned from paper charts to a new electronic medical record system. 有了这个转变, we will no longer be using the paper health and wellness forms to collect immunization information.

  • 登录到您的帐户 卫生服务患者门户网站,使用你的BSU证书.
  • 学生将无法完成在线表格,直到  注册课程. 注册后30天内必须进行免疫接种.


联邦保密法保护探视和与医务人员的谈话. 卫生服务部门必须将医疗记录和医疗信息保密, as dictated in the Notice of 隐私 Practices posted in the lobby and handed to each patient at their first point-of-care 冰球突破豪华版网页版. 卫生服务 does not disclose information to parents or families unless explicitly authorized by the patient or in cases of emergency.


卫生服务部门的工作人员有权开处方, 这所大学没有药房. CVS和沃尔格林都在步行距离内的校园. 学生可自行或预约前往健康服务中心. All students who wish to be seen will be asked to provide or update their patient history so that we may provide the best care possible.

卫生服务部门不会为多动症开处方. The student must make arrangements with his or her primary care provider for ongoing prescriptions during the academic year.

Due to the potential of anaphylaxis, 卫生服务 does not administer allergy shots. First-year students in need of frequent off-campus 冰球突破豪华版网页版s with an allergist may petition to have a car on campus by completing the Freshman Resident 停车 Exemption Form, 可在停车场或卫生服务办公室查询.


在紧急情况下, 从冰球突破豪华版网页版拨打911电话联系大学警察. 用手机拨打911连接到弗雷明汉的马萨诸塞州警察局. 校园警察将对校园内的911报警电话作出回应. 在必要的时候, university police will arrange for ambulance transportation to the Brockton Hospital Emergency Room.


For non-emergency health concerns nights, weekends and holidays, call university police at 508.531.1212. 大学警察将对情况进行评估. 如果不是紧急情况,但学生需要及时处理, university police will call the local taxi service to transport the student to a local clinic, 医生, 或者急诊室. 卫生服务部门将支付往返该设施的交通费.

在工作日,请致电508保健服务.531.1252. Taxi transportation for student illness must be determined by 卫生服务 and/or university police. Transportation will only be provided in the absence of transportation alternatives by family and/or friends. 冰球突破豪华版网页版 does not provide transportation for student-scheduled 医生 appointments.


All registered students taking nine or more undergraduate credits or seven or more graduate credits must provide proof of enrollment in a medical insurance plan that meets the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ mandated guidelines (laws) or be automatically enrolled in a college-sponsored plan.

Bridgewater’s student health insurance is provided by University 健康 Plans and is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield, 蓝色医保优选(PPO). The plan provides coverage for illnesses and injuries that occur on and off campus and includes special cost-saving features to keep the coverage as affordable as possible.

有关高级价格,请参阅下面的链接. 该政策自8月6日起生效. 每年7月1日至7月31日. Students who have comprehensive health insurance can remove this fee from their bills by electronically waiving the insurance (see the description below) by the deadline of Sept. 30(每个秋季学期). 28(对于那些没有在秋季入学的学生). 豁免书必须每年提交. 见国际学生要求.

To access the 冰球突破豪华版网页版 Sponsored Student 健康保险 or submit the waiver (proof of enrollment in one's own or one's parents' policy for the academic year), 冰球突破豪华版网页版 大学健康计划网站. Students who enroll in the school sponsored plan must confirm payment with Student Accounts.


All full-time undergraduate and graduate students under 30 years of age and all full- and part-time health science students must submit evidence of:

  • one dose of tetanus diphtheria vaccine (Tdap) within past 10 years and history of a DTaP primary series or age appropriate catch up vaccination
  • 三剂乙型肝炎疫苗*
  • 两剂MMR混合疫苗(1957年或以后出生者)*
  • 两剂水痘或有可靠的水痘病史*
  • one tuberculosis skin test within six months prior to the start of class for all students who answer yes to a question on the 健康与福利 TB Screening and Testing Form. TB risk is higher for people who live in or travel to countries that have high rates of tuberculosis, 例如, 但不限于:
    • 伯利兹
    • 巴西
    • 柬埔寨
    • 威尔第角
    • 中国
    • 哥伦比亚
    • 多米尼加代表
    • 萨尔瓦多
    • 加纳
    • 危地马拉
    • 海地洪都拉斯
    • 香港
    • 印度
    • 墨西哥
    • 尼泊尔
    • 尼加拉瓜
    • 前苏联的部分地区
    • 葡萄牙
    • 南非
    • 西班牙
    • 撒哈拉以南非洲
    • 苏丹
    • 东南亚岛屿
    • 赞比亚
    • 津巴布韦
  • one dose of Meningococcal vaccine MenACWY (formerly MCV4) required for all full-time students 21 years of age or younger

Students must present a certificate of meningitis immunization or a signed MDPH Meningococcal Information and Waiver Form declining meningococcal immunization at this time. 学生(或学生的父母或监护人), 如果学生是未成年人), may opt to sign a waiver which details that the student has received and reviewed information about the risks and dangers of meningococcal disease, 选择拒绝接种疫苗. 豁免书必须在开课前至少两周提交. Residential students, who have not submitted meningitis status, will be denied their room key. Bridgewater recommends meningitis immunization for all students (even though all students are not required by law to receive it). All full-time students (including full-time graduate students) must submit a completed student health history and immunization report form to 卫生服务. 马萨诸塞州的免疫法适用于所有年龄段的全日制学生. 免疫接种 requirements apply as well to international students attending or 冰球突破豪华版网页版ing classes as part of our academic exchange program.




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Darren Smith sits at a table and talks to a fellow student who is standing in front of table


Dr. 克里斯托弗·弗雷泽
如何博士. 克里斯托弗·弗雷泽、他的工作人员和志愿者们迎接了COVID的挑战