
Health and Safety in the Residence Halls

BSU Ranks #4 Nationally in Campus Safety

冰球突破豪华版网页版对学生安全的持续承诺为BSU赢得了a #4 national ranking. 有24/7全天候待命的设施,BSU住宅安全和学生保安人员位于住宅楼, you can take solace knowing help is there when you need it, any time of day and night.


Residence Life and Housing Staff

The Office of Residence Life & Housing, 除兼职学生雇员外,还包括全职专业人员和行政人员, responds to the needs of the resident population.

Area Coordinators (ACs) and Resident Directors (RDs) are full-time, 住宿的专业工作人员经过培训,可以有效地处理学生生活和宿舍管理问题. ac和rd负责其指定宿舍的生活质量,并监督一组学生宿舍助理. 助理助理和助理助理从下午5点开始轮流值班.m. 当办公室关闭,并保持可冰球突破豪华版网页版,直到第二天上午9点.m. when the offices reopen.

Resident Assistants (RAs)是指因其领导能力和人际交往能力而被选中的学生. 助理教师住在宿舍里,为各种主题提供支持,从个人和学术问题到冲突调解和项目实施. 每晚7点开始,每个宿舍至少有一名宿舍管理员值班.m. and remains available until the next day at 7 a.m.


Residence Security

All residence halls are secured at all times. Access is monitored 16 hours a day, 11 a.m.–3 a.m., by full-time Institutional Security Officers (iso)在Shea, Durgin, Woodward, Scott Halls和Great Hill学生公寓. Student Security Officers (SSOs) work at the entrance of all other halls from 5 p.m.–2 a.m.

保安人员登记客人并确保社区安全. 住校学生每次入场时必须出示连接卡. 带入宿舍的物品都要接受检查.

不住在楼里的BSU学生必须签到并出示连接卡才能作为客人进入. Non-students, including family and friends, 必须签到并出示有效的带照片的身份证件或护照, state ID, Military ID, driver’s license, or liquor ID or they may be denied entrance.

所有客人必须在首次入住前提交一次性在线客人登记表. 希望接待客人的学生可以通过他们的My Housing帐户预先登录他们的客人,从而加快登录过程.



当火警响起时,宿舍里的每个人都需要撤离. 在疏散学生宿舍时,请确保使用所有出口, including emergency exits and the main entrance. 没有大学官员或警察部门的指示,任何人不得重新进入大楼. 即使警报停止了,学生们也必须等待学校官员允许他们重新进入大楼.





Room Inspections

Rooms will be inspected for health, 出于安全和安保原因,定期和每次休息期之前, by a RLH staff member, with or without notice or the presence of residents. 检查期间:将对宿舍空间和家具的维护标准进行评估,并可能要求住户搬走, 纠正或做其他必要的改变,以满足大学的安全和建筑维护准则. Prohibited items may be confiscated, 这可能会导致转介到社区标准办公室.

如果房间或公寓状况不佳,将向住户收取清洁费用. 学校保留立即终止宿舍许可协议的权利,任何居住者的房间或公寓有严重的损坏或损失. During inspections, 如出现异常情况或怀疑有非法使用房间的情况(i.e. to store stolen goods, 酒精或其他药物)的情况可以报告给大学警察,并可能导致转介到社区标准办公室.


When will the bathrooms be cleaned?

Each building has a bathroom cleaning schedule. 时间表可以在宿舍信息页面上找到. 请记住,维修人员不能碰私人物品, 在维修人员进入清洁之前,每个浴室应清除个人物品.


What if something breaks in my room during the semester?

学生可以通过工单申请系统提交工单. 可以为灯泡烧坏之类的事情提交工单, furniture malfunction, or any problem encountered in a space. Facilities Management may be contacted at 508.531.1296, Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.–11 p.m and Saturday from 8:45 a.m.–5 p.m.

如果是紧急情况,请致电508与居住生活和住房办公室联系.531.1277, Monday-Friday from 9 a.m.–5 p.m. After 11 p.m. and on weekends, call the BSU Police Department at 508.531.1212.



冰球突破豪华版网页版的宿舍许可协议规定,大学不对住校学生拥有的个人财产负责. 协助您管理个人财产损失的风险, 我们与CSI保险公司合作,提供学生财产保险信息.

我们强烈建议您考虑为您的个人财产投保这种险别. 每年,学生们都会因为各种原因丢失财产,包括盗窃、水灾和火灾. 即使你有家庭业主或租户的保险, 你可能希望学生财产保险的覆盖范围更广,免赔额更低. For more information about coverage, available policies and to apply for insurance, see CSI Insurance Company’s website at collegestudentinsurance.com or call 888.411.4911.