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在马萨诸塞州, the Department of Higher Education (DHE) and the state’s 29 public colleges and universities work together to provide numerous programs to encourage and expedite the transfer of credits from one state school to another. Each of these transfer programs focuses on a different aspect of the transfer process.


If you are transferring from one Massachusetts public higher education institution to another, 新的人口转移计划将使这一过程更加容易. When applying for admission, please use the online transfer application located on 本科招生 or 转移中心. 当下拉菜单出现时,选择mastransfer. You will not be required to pay the application fee if you transfer as part of the MassTransfer program.


  • To provide community college students who complete 大专文凭s and enroll in 相互关联的人口转移计划 完全转移学分, 保证录取, and a tuition discount (each based on final GPA); and
  • To provide any student in the Massachusetts public higher education system who completes the 大众通识教育基金会 (formerly known as MassTransfer Block) the benefit of satisfying the core (general education) requirements at any other public higher education institution, with the receiving institution able to add no more than six additional credits or two courses.

The 大众通识教育基金会 refers to a set of core (general education ) requirements, consisting of 34 college-level credits. 这些学分,当完成与2.平均绩点0或更高, fully transfer to any Massachusetts public higher education institution, 即使你没有副学士学位. These credits also satisfy the core (general education) requirements at any other Massachusetts public higher education institution, with the receiving institution being able to add no more than six additional credits/two courses.

The mastransfer通识教育基金会STEM模块 refers to a set of core (general education ) requirements, consisting of 28 college-level credits. 学生必须取得 大专文凭 有资格参加这个项目,必须在 STEM A2B路径映射(计算机科学, 生物学, 环境, 工程, 数学, 化学, 物理). 的28-credit STEM Gen Ed Foundation Block allows community college students to take more STEM 课程,同时获得副学士学位. 布里奇沃特要求有口语交流能力, 逻辑推理, 行为或社会科学,人文或美术. Students who satisfy this requirement through transfer credits do not have to take additional courses.


完成A2B学位并获得3分的学生.平均绩点在00分或以上 MassTransfer学费抵免 for two years at the state university or University of Massachusetts campus, provided they (1) matriculate within one year of receiving an 大专文凭; (2) enroll continuously (full-time or part-time) in day program; and (3) achieve 3.前两个学期绩点达到100分.


完成一个经批准的MassTransfer A2B(副学士)学位.


A2B学位加上英联邦承诺:你注册全日制课程并获得3分.00平均绩点. 联邦降低了你的成本.


A new option for completing your associate's degree while earning your bachelor's degree.

If you have completed at least 30 college-level credits at a Massachusetts community college prior to transferring to 冰球突破豪华版网页版, you may be eligible to receive an associate’s degree using credits you earn while pursuing your bachelor’s degree.  这个程序被称为反向转移.  To enroll in 反向传输, all you have to do is fill out a 参与形式 that will authorize the sharing of your academic transcript between 冰球突破豪华版网页版 and your community college.   

如果你想知道更多的反向转移, 请致电508-531-2686或电子邮件联系接送中心


  • Students who complete their associate's degrees are more likely to stay enrolled and finish their bachelor's degrees.
  • 任何认证, 加薪, and promotions are often based on the attainment of a degree, so it is to your benefit to be awarded your associate's degree when you've earned it.
  • 如果你对学士学位的追求被打断, you will already have a college degree - the associate's degree - to count to your credit.
  • Since you received your associate's degree while paying for your bachelor's degree, 你实际上同时完成了两个学位. 
  • Students will not incur any costs associate with this 反向传输 program, i.e. 成绩单和毕业费.


  • Submit a 参与形式 giving your current university permission to send transcript information back to your community college;
  • 收到你的表格后, the community college will send you a degree audit identifying your outstanding requirements;
  • 继续学习学士学位课程, while considering whether some might also help you complete your associate's degree;
  • When you have met all degree requirements at the community college, 学院会给你寄一份毕业申请书; 
  • Return the application and you will receive your diploma and an invitation to the next graduation ceremony.


  • Students must be matriculated at the university and must have earned credits at the university.
  • The receipt of the associate's degree is contingent upon completing all of the degree requirements of the awarding community college, including the residency requirement and the minimum transfer grade requirement.
  • Students must be in "good academic standing" and in "good financial standing" at both institutions.
  • Students will 反向传输 into a default associate's degree in Liberal Arts or General Studies, unless  another option is agreed upon by the community college and the student.
  • Students who return to a community college to take courses after transferring to a university, must follow the "transfer of credit after admission" policy for that institution, in order to count the community college credit earned toward their bachelor's degree.
  • MassTransfer benefits can't be adjusted after original matriculation at the university.