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培养扎实的数学背景, including advanced training in mathematical and statistical methods, 推理和解决问题的能力.

冰球突破豪华版网页版 数学系 提供数学学士学位, 纯数学和统计学本科学历, two unique 未成年人 that will help you build a foundation of flexible analytical skills, 同时辅修精算学. Our majors and 未成年人 are recognized among the best math undergraduate programs because they’re affordable, held in state-of-the-art facilities and feature a diverse group of dedicated and supportive faculty instructors, 顾问和导师.

无论你选择我们的哪个数学课程, you will gain the tools and techniques necessary to launch education or 行业-related jobs in mathematics.




无论你是想从事教育事业, 统计或成为精算师, BSU学生通过实习获得实践经验, 研究项目, 留学项目和其他学生团体. You’ll be well prepared for a wide range of careers with a math degree from BSU.
Dr. Rachel Stahl teaching class and pointing to a graph on a white board while students look on


Our professors are renowned scholars and teachers with expertise that spans the discipline — from pure and applied mathematics, 统计和数学教育. 而我们的教师则专注于教学和学生研究, they also speak at conferences and publish in well-known journals. 
exterior photo of BSU's Dana Mohler-Faria Math and Science Center


当你在研究最好的数学本科课程时, 考虑到, 在BSU, you’ll be learning in our beautiful Dana Mohler-Faria Science and Mathematics Center. This state-of-the-art facility aggregates the STEM disciplines under one roof to foster interdisciplinary understanding and projects among faculty and students.


In addition to offering one of the most affordable tuition packages in Massachusetts, BSU提供奖学金和奖学金, 勤工俭学和艾德里安·廷斯利项目, 你夏天做研究的报酬是什么.


Classes in our bachelor’s degree in mathematics program are capped at 20 to 25 students. 事实上, 我们的师生比例是19比1, which will help you gain a hands-on education that prepares you for careers with a math degree. Our students are also supported by — and have on-campus job opportunities to work in — our active math tutoring center staffed entirely by our own trained undergraduate student tutors.


BSU’s undergraduate math program is one of the five largest in Massachusetts, and the only one of those five with a primary commitment to undergraduate education and with a record of successful undergraduate research mentorship.


作为一个数学学士学位的学生, you will have a faculty adviser who can help when a difficult concept needs clarification and with insights on careers with a math degree. +, the math department’s internship adviser will help connect you to relevant work experience, so you will graduate with the skills to secure jobs in mathematics.


Make friends with fellow BSU math majors by participating in Math Club — a weekly gathering to socialize, 玩游戏, 了解有数学学位的职业, 并参加开放实验室之夜等社区外展活动. 更多关于数学和统计学的讨论, 这个系每学期都会举办一次研讨会,学生们, faculty and staff may hear about what their colleagues have been working on. 感觉更有竞争力? BSU has sent a team to DataFest, an American Statistical Association event, every year since 2017.


Throughout BSU’s bachelor’s degree in mathematics — one of the best math undergraduate programs in Massachusetts — you will study a broad range of subjects in both theoretical and computational mathematics. Beyond our bachelor’s degree in mathematics, we offer two specialized degrees:

  • 以纯数学为中心的数学, which focuses on fundamental questions at the heart of the discipline and prepares you for advanced study or research.
  • 以统计学为主的数学, 哪个更注重设计, analysis and interpretation of models that inform decision-making in science, 政府与业界.

无论你选择哪个本科专业或辅修, 你将为在数学领域获得有回报的工作做好准备.


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奥利维亚·迪恩,22岁, smiling with long straight light brown hair and wearing a light blue tank top with sunflowers in the background
BSU pushed me to be able to apply and be accepted by this amazing master's program. While I continue my Master’s in Mathematics Education and strive to become an elementary education teacher and math coach, I thank 冰球突破豪华版网页版 for laying the foundation for me.


有了数学学位,你可以从事各种各样的职业. BSU’s graduates have gone onto distinguished careers as actuaries, teachers and software developers in sectors that include business, 行业, 教育和政府.


  • 精算师
  • 数据科学家
  • 经济学家
  • 财务经理
  • 软件开发人员
  • 老师

我们的校友也继续进行研究生学习, both here 在BSU through our Master of 艺术 in Teaching program, 以及杜克大学等其他顶尖学府, 爱荷华州立大学, 普渡大学, 塔夫茨大学和密苏里大学, 哥伦比亚.

Jobs in mathematics are expected to continue growing over the next decade, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局.

students sitting at tables in classroom with their laptops open looking at front of class

Continue your education beyond your bachelor’s degree in mathematics

Continue your graduate studies at 冰球突破豪华版网页版 with our 数学、垫. The Master of 艺术 in Teaching degree was developed for high school and middle school subject area teachers who have an initial license and are seeking a professional license in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The MAT program is designed to meet the "appropriate master's degree" requirement, which is part of the criteria for professional stage licensure, 如最新的MA DESE许可规定所述. This degree program will also appeal to secondary school teachers who already hold a standard level or professional license and want to acquire additional knowledge and a master's degree in the discipline.