


Are you drawn to the elements that make life happen? A bachelor’s degree in biology might be for you. 冰球突破豪华版网页版提供各种各样的生物科学课程, 包括生物学的学士学位和学士学位,这将为你在这门学科上打下坚实的基础,并可以灵活地添加针对人类健康职业的课程, biotechnology, environmental science or education.

Through BSU’s Department of Biological Sciences, 你将学习生命系统的多样性和基本的生物学原理,同时为各种研究事业奠定基础, teaching, sales and more. The biology BA and BS, as well as the minor, pair well with undergraduate programs in chemistry, anthropology, psychology and sociology.

Biology Program Highlights


Learn in state-of-the-art facilities

Dana Mohler-Faria科学和数学中心提供13个教学实验室, five prep labs, 一个学生资源室和八个师生研究实验室,包括组织培养, small mammal, aquatic and natural history facilities. 学习使用现代设备,如实时qPCR机, flow cytometer, fluorescence microscopes, and instruments for biochemical analysis of DNA, RNA and proteins.
克劳迪奥·埃顺(Claudio Eshun)戴着安全眼镜微笑地站在Organogenesis公司的办公室里, where he completed a summer internship.

Take advantage of our robust internship program

通过Dana Mohler-Faria科学和数学中心的资源, 获得生物学学士学位的学生可以将他们的课堂和实验室经验转化为生物技术公司的实习经验, health centers, schools and other organizations.

Gain research experience as an undergraduate

攻读生物学学士学位的BSU学生可以参与真正的研究体验. Each semester, 教师积极指导学生设计实验和收集, analyze and interpret data. 我们的本科生研究人员已经在同行评议的期刊上发表文章, presented their research in professional settings, 并获得了巴里·戈德华特奖学金和卓越教育的认可.

Join the club

生物学俱乐部是生物学学士学位和生物学学士学位学生和教师分享想法的机会, promote research and provide networking opportunities.

We’re close to Boston

在桥水大学获得生物学学士学位的学生经常在波士顿的Moderna等公司实习或工作, Boston Scientific, 赛默飞世尔科学公司和丹娜法伯癌症研究所. We're also close to Cape Cod, 学生可以在伍兹霍尔的海洋生物实验室获得经验, Mass.

Work with renowned faculty

冰球突破豪华版网页版的生物科学教授在同行评议的期刊上发表了100多篇文章, 其中28篇论文的共同作者是波士顿州立大学的本科生. 我们的教师拥有广泛的专业知识,包括微生物学, virology, neurobiology, ecology, evolution, 保护生物学和人类遗传学,以及对学术卓越的认可.

Pathway to teaching

In BSU’s BA in biology or biology BS degree program, 你也可以通过完成生物学课程中的中等教育集中课程并通过马萨诸塞州教育工作者执照考试来获得中等教育专业® (MTEL) in biology.

Program of Study for Biological Sciences

无论你是获得生物学学士学位还是生物学理学学士学位, 你将学习根植于生活基石的课程,并根据你的兴趣和职业目标灵活地调整你的教育. 大多数生物学学生会选的几门课程是:

  • General Biology
  • Cell Biology
  • Human Anatomy & Physiology
  • Neurobiology
  • Conservation Biology
  • Marine Biology
  • Cancer Biology


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How did BSU prepare me for a career as a scientist? One word, mentors. The biology faculty members care about the students. 当他们需要被推动时,他们推动他们;当他们需要支持时,他们支持他们. Technical training aside, BSU的生物系教会了我如何像科学家一样思考和学习. Specifically, Dr. 肯尼斯·亚当斯让我爱上了分子和细胞生物学. I spent just one year in Dr. Adam’s lab, and it forever changed my life.”
Rebecca Fleming, '15
Biological Sciences, BS

Careers in Biological Sciences

无论你是获得生物学学士学位还是生物学学士学位, 毕业后你可以追求各种各样的专业机会. Potential careers include:

  • Microbiologist
  • Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Science Writer
  • Biology Teacher
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Wildlife Biologist


  • KMBO Diagnostics
  • Partner’s Health Care
  • Marine Biological Laboratory
  • Mass General Hospital
  • Boston University
  • National Institute of Health

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a





生物学学士学位或生物学学士学位毕业生可以继续在冰球突破豪华版网页版的研究生学习 MS in Biology. 生物学理学硕士课程提供严格的, 以研究为导向的培训,旨在培养行业专业职位所需的技能和知识, education, and outreach, or for advanced graduate study.

Begin taking graduate classes in your senior year!
生物学学士学位和生物学学士学位的学生可以申请提前进入生物学,硕士课程. Upon acceptance, 在本科学习的最后一年,学生最多可以选修两门研究生课程, 并且可以将这些课程应用于本科和研究生学位.