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Graduates celebrate where pop idol will perform

音乐长期以来一直是……的主要内容 Delainey Bostley的生活, but she never imagined in her wildest dreams singing to her classmates in the same stadium as one of her musical idols, 泰勒•斯威夫特.  

“It honestly means the world to me,德莱尼说, a history major returning to BSU to pursue a second degree in music. “I feel very proud to be representing Bridgewater. … This is the biggest music-related opportunity I’ve had in my life.”  

That moment came as Delainey performed “America the Beautiful” from 冰球突破豪华版网页版’s commencement stage at Gillette Stadium.

During two ceremonies on Saturday, approximately 1,700 graduates received bachelors’ degrees. 

“In a few days, 泰勒•斯威夫特 will be here at Gillette,” said BSU 总统 弗雷德里克·W. 克拉克小., ’83. “But while the fans in the stadium will be entertained from the stage at that concert, when our graduates cross this stage today, you will be transformed by what Nelson Mandela described as the ‘most powerful weapon to change the world’, 一个教育.”  

这符合波士顿州立大学的校训, “Not to be Ministered Unto but to Minister,荣誉学位获得者 爱德华•兰伯特, G’84, spoke of the importance of service as graduates find as Swift would say, "在这个世界上占有一席之地.”  

“Service connects you to the community, it can take many can seek to create your service opportunities or let it find you. I do hope when the opportunity is there, 你将选择服务,兰伯特说, who was elected at age 21 to the Fall River School Committee and has gone on to serve as the city’s mayor and a state representative. 

Also receiving an honorary degree was former Chair of the BSU 校董会 尤金Durgin, who sat on the board for more than 30 years; and New Bedford theater teachers and directors 阿曼德玛珊德66年,70年,还有 乔治•夏博诺, ’66, G’70.  

Charbonneau told the class to “never die wondering,” adding: “It is best to attempt something and fail than to say, ‘I wonder what would have happened?’ The failure comes with great knowledge and, sometimes, the best successes you’ll have in your life.”  

The crowd roared loudest when former Boston Red Sox star, David “Big Papi” Ortiz shared a recorded message on the jumbo screen, echoing the now-famous comments he made in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings.  

冰球突破豪华版网页版, this is your (expletive) commencement!”    

Ortiz followed up his famous catch phrase, reminding students to take advantage of their opportunities.     

“Don’t ever lose your focus, don’t let anybody dictate your goals,” he said. “Congratulations and to all the students, every day is a great day to be a bear! 上帝保佑你们.”    

学生演讲 Paulina Aguilar Delgado, a criminal justice major and psychology minor, recounted how the class has been shaped by world events including the pandemic, 大规模枪击和恐怖主义. Yet this class is ready and willing to fight and advocate for equality, inclusion and justice.  

“In a reality full of uncertainty, we have managed to do what once seemed impossible and what few are able to obtain – a college degree,宝琳娜说。, who moved from her native Mexico to Massachusetts just before starting at BSU.  

同学演讲家 Roslyn Dobyna who majored in special education and sociology, acknowledged the unique circumstances on the journey to graduation.   

“Courageous is the route we all took the last few years. Courage is what kept everyone connected and dedicated to their education,” she said. “If we can get through that, we can make it through everything. Do what you can in the moment, even if it seems small.  

“I will not let the fact I can’t do everything, keep me from doing what I can.”   

嘉莉教务长, a criminal justice and English major with a minor in Indigenous studies, is ready to help those living on South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, which is one of the most impoverished places in the U.S. 

A BSU education "really helps me to be my best self to go and help my people when I go back,“嘉莉, 在松树岭长大的人, said before processing onto the field.

Graduating at iconic Gillette Stadium was a thrill for Carrie and many other graduates.   

“I’ve never been to Gillette before,” 凯文·罗斯 笑着说. “这是我的第一次, and to get to walk across the stage on the field, 这是一次很棒的经历.”  

Kevin had 15 of his family members, including his mother who flew in from Texas, cheering him on from the stands as he collected his degree in health sciences.  

伊丽莎白Cheesman, 基础教育专业, added: “It’s a place for people to come together and celebrate things, and today we get to celebrate us.”   

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