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Communication skills are some of the top qualities employers look for in job candidates. 发展和磨练这些技能——包括说话, 写作, 听, 数字媒体, visual communication and strategic communication — through the undergraduate Communication programs at 冰球突破豪华版网页版.

随着越来越多的企业和组织转向远程工作, 沟通技巧比以往任何时候都更重要. 我们的 传播系 at BSU offers three interconnected learning pathways that each lead to a bachelor’s degree in communications, 以及四门辅修课程,补充相关研究领域.

我们的 bachelor’s degree in communications and 未成年人 will give you a solid foundation that you can apply to nearly any career field.




No matter which pathway you choose for your bachelor of communication or related minor, 你将获得宝贵的和可转移的技能,如公开演讲, 研究和写作. You will graduate as a confident and effective oral, written and visual communicator.

Dr. Melanie McNaughton points to images on a projector screen as she teaches at the front of classroom


在BSU, our faculty are internationally known researchers and practitioners who will provide you with a world-class education. While studying for your bachelor of arts in communication or completing a communications minor, you may be in class with a faculty member who is an award-winning filmmaker and actor. You might have another class with an instructor who was named a Distinguished Research Fellow with the Eastern Communication Association. 我们的六位教师还获得了杰出教学奖.



Experience what it’s like working in a TV studio and Editing Lab — without leaving campus. 操作高清工作室摄像机, learn how to merge graphics into live video with Tricaster Broadcast switching capabilities, 在RTV电视演播室和更多的绿屏工作. BSU学生学习使用专业数码单反相机和红色相机, 替身, 便携式照明设备, and on-location audio recording equipment — practical skills that can transfer to any media production environment.


我们的 comprehensive bachelor of communication programs will provide you with plenty of hands-on opportunities to learn, 包括在你大三或大四的时候实习. BSU学生曾在WBZ-TV第四频道,WGBH, 波士顿环球报, 大西洋月刊在线版、科学博物馆、特奥会等等.


We know there isn’t exactly a one-size-fits-all bachelor of communication degree, 在波士顿州立大学, 我们给你选择. 在我们的交流项目中, you can focus your studies and tailor your education to your interests and career goals.


BSU的 继续教育学院 给你最大的灵活性来完成你的学位. The bachelor’s degree in communications program may be taken on Bridgewater’s main campus during the day, 或者你也可以在网上攻读学位. 我们的 online program follows the same requirements and curriculum as our day program, 我们的许多教员既在校内授课,也在网上授课. This option is available for the communication and media studies concentration, 电影和录像艺术专业, 以及公共关系的集中.


如果你想获得媒体研究的文学学士学位, 通信或类似的领域, 波士顿州立大学有各种各样的俱乐部和球队供你选择. The Bridgewater Filmmakers Society will give you a space where you can meet with other students to discuss and analyze films, 互相交换意见,多和同事交流. 如果你有兴趣攻读公共关系学士学位, gain professional experience you can put on your resume through the Public Relations Student Society of America.

Work within our Marketing and Communications division to develop your skills in digital communications, 社交媒体, 视频制作及摄影. 通讯部也隶属于 评论波士顿州立大学学生主导的报纸和学生主导的广播电台WBIM.


你知道波士顿州立大学35%的本科生是转校生吗? 我们的专用 传输服务 工作人员将与您一起找出如何转移学分, 接下来要修哪些课程, 以及如何融入BSU社区.


Each of our three communication studies bachelor’s degree programs combine critical and theoretical perspectives with hands-on experiences.

  • 传播与媒体研究专业 深入研究媒体文本之间的丰富联系, cultural practices and the communication habits and skills of our daily lives.
  • 电影和录像艺术制作专业 会给你全面的写作教育吗, 生产, 导演和剪辑电影, 电视, 数字视频制作及其他媒体.
  • 公共关系专业, 就像公共关系专业的学士学位一样, 以传播理论和研究为中心, 战略写作, 说话, 媒介素养, 视觉传达和公共关系策划.

如果你想在其他领域攻读学士学位, a minor from the 沟通研究 Department pairs well with virtually any other area of study, 从英语到商务.

  • The 沟通研究 Minor includes a foundational course for basic knowledge and skills, plus your choice of a variety of communication courses that you can tailor to your career goals.
  • The Digital Media Minor is an interdisciplinary program that teaches you how to plan, 生产, 通过各种渠道对媒体内容进行评论和分发.
  • The Integrated Communications Minor is an interdisciplinary program that teaches you how to incorporate public relations, marketing and advertising skills and knowledge into communication campaigns for organizations.
  • The Film Studies Minor is an interdisciplinary program that teaches students to think, speak and write critically about visual media from a variety of perspectives.


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My decision to major in Communication at 冰球突破豪华版网页版 has continued to propel my career forward. The verbal and written skills I learned through hands-on experiences in my courses serve me well in my work in house at organizations and as a consultant.”


媒体职业 & 沟通研究

One remarkable thing about earning a bachelor of arts in media studies or communication is that you may apply the knowledge and skills you gain to any career field, 不管你选择什么浓度. 例如, our public relations concentration — a field growing at nearly twice the national average — teaches you skills you can apply anywhere.

BSU graduates with bachelor of communication degrees have gone on to work as:

  • Assistant Director of Reunion and 领导 Giving, Harvard Business School
  • 南海岸卫生局社区福利主任
  • 普利茅斯港1620号酒店的销售和市场总监
  • 会客厅品牌工作室的摄影总监
  • 视频制作人和导演,创新
  • 马萨诸塞州众议院通讯主任
  • 波士顿红袜队制片助理
  • 电视记者和制片人



through 2030, which is faster than average for all occupations, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. 这将带来约15.2万个新工作岗位.



我们的 graduates have also used their bachelor of arts in media studies or communication as a stepping stone to graduate school in programs such as:

  • 工商管理、MBA
  • 商业基础,研究生证书
  • 心理健康咨询专业,医学硕士